Adult Education Programs

Community Services’ purpose is to improve the quality of life for Yarmouth residents by offering leisure and educational opportunities that attempt to satisfy individual’s needs for creative, mental and physical outlets by:

  1. Efficient and effective use of human and fiscal resources

  2. Development of a delivery system that ensures a balanced program for all ages including cultural, social, recreational and educational offerings

  3. Promoting life-time and family oriented opportunities when possible

  4. Coordinating and/or cooperating with groups, agencies and organizations who can assist in providing quality programs

  5. Maintaining parks and other public lands at a level that attracts visitors

  6. Basing all programs on the needs of the community

Evening courses for adults shall be conducted where there is sufficient interest. The Community Services Director is jointly appointed by the School Committee and the Town Council based upon a nomination by the Superintendent of Schools and Town Manager. This director will be responsible for the hiring of teachers and the organization and supervision of the program. Special rooms and equipment will be available only when the principals and director agree to their use.

Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA§8601
Adopted: Prior to 1982
Revised: December 11, 1989; June 8, 1992; ________